Thursday, January 27, 2011

Something Unusual That Happened That Day.

Something Unusual That Happened That Day.

Something unusual happened on the 25 January 2011. It was a Tuesday and everything turned out fine during the morning. As usual, I have CCA training on Tuesday. My training usually ends in the evening and I would call my mother to pick me up after CCA. However, my mother was busy as she needed to send my sister to tuition. Therefore, I told my mother that I would walk home myself as my house was very near the school.

Picture of my shoe bag.
I walked to the park connector near the school which leads to my house. There were many people dog walking and cycling at the park connector. I saw a beautiful Golden Retriever without a leash walking around the park connector. When I walked past it, it started to sniff my shoe bag I was carrying. As I am a dog lover, I did not mind the dog sniffing my bag. I just looked and smiled at it before I continued walking back home. The unusual thing was that the dog started to follow me! I was really surprised as I thought it was someone else's dog. At first, I tried to scare it away by waving my hands at it. Instead of walking away, the dog continued to follow me and even started sniffing my leg. I was going to reach my house soon but the dog kept following me. I was a little frustrated and decided to try other methods to scare the dog away but it did not gave up.

Picture of a Golden Retriever.
Light a bolt of lightning, I dashed foward to the playground and hid under the slide. The dog continued to run to the end of the park connector trying to find me. I heaved a sigh of relief when I saw the dog running across the playground. I came out of my hiding place after a few minutes as I did not want the dog to find me again.

"Yes! I did it! " I shouted when I successfully got away from the dog. I ran home quickly while looking behind my back to make sure the dog was not following me anymore.

I felt a little guilty when I reached home for trying to scare the dog away and running away from it. I hope the dog would understand that it was not my fault for running away from it. I think it was a really unusual thing that happened to me that day as not many people have stray dogs following them home.

1 comment:

  1. Haha! Animals are naturally attracted to you! Next you should call SPCA! I'm tristan by the way.


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