Sunday, January 23, 2011

A Problem I Encountered And How I Solved It


A Problem I Encountered And How I Solved It

Well, the problem I encountered is this blog assignment. This assignment is 50% of my English CA1 and therefore I must take this seriously in order to do well for my English. When I was given this assignment by my teacher few weeks ago, I though it will be quite easy as it is just like writing a diary. On January 15, I created my blog at home using my laptop. When I started to do this assignment, I found out that this was not as easy as I thought it was because I had no experience in blogging. I do not know how to change the theme of my blog and add media to my posts.

At first, I did not know how to change the theme of my blog. I tried many times to edit the HTML of the template but all my attempts failed. I asked my friend for help but he said he was unable to help me as he was busy helping others with their blog and had no time. In the end, I went to Youtube and searched for videos on how to change my template. I searched for a long time and finally found a very useful and detailed video. I tried the method and guess what? It worked and I was able to change the template of my blog.
Then, I had a problem with adding a media to my blog. I did not know how to add music to my posts. I tried to add Youtube music videos to my post but it did not work for me. The video was covering the whole page of my blog and it really shocked me. I thought all my efforts had gone to waste. However, I was able to edit the HTML and remove the video. I had to searched Youtube videos on how to add music to my posts. After long hours of video watching and many attempts to add music to my posts, I was finally able to find a useful video on how to add music to my posts. It adds a music player to your posts and you can add songs you want it to play. I really want to thank the person who posted the video as it is a really great help to me. Now, all my posts have a music player and if you click play, you would be able to listen the music I added. I personally think it is quite cool to have a music to listen to when you are reading a blog.

Picture of my blog
After solving all my problems with the blog, I felt a great sense of achievement and accomplisment. I learnt to never give up and trying to solve your problems yourself is the best way to learn. I am now able to do my blogging with ease.

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