Friday, January 21, 2011

Something That Took Place In School

Something That Took Place In School

During the December holidays, my CCA, Volleyball, held a 3 days 2 nights training camp in school. The camp was for the team to train to become better and bond as a team. I received a packing list from my teacher-in-charge a few days before the camp and started packing.

Picture of a volleyball

During the camp, we trained with the coach and went to the school's gym for some strenuous exercise. However the most frightening thing I will never forget is the night walk planned by my seniors. All the secondary 1 boys were supposed to go for the night walk as it is a tradition in the CCA. To bring the atmosphere to a terrifying level, we were forced to watch a ghost movie called "4bia" before the night walk! My heart was beating against my ribcage violently as I was led to the canteen to wait for my turn after the movie.

After a few minutes, my teacher-in-charge said my seniors were prepared and it was my turn. She led me to the starting point where I was given my first clue.I took a deep breath and proceeded with my heart drumming. The corridoor was so dim that I could not see clearly.All of us were not supposed to bring any torchlights and the only thing to guide our way was the light sticks on the floor which were quite useless as a source of light. There were various stations but I felt that only a few were scary. The station which really terrified me was the one at the back of the heritage room. I was supposed to count the number of people in the picture at the back of the heritage room. Before counting, I looked around the cars parked at the parking lot to make sure no one was hiding behind the cars to scare me. After checking twice, I started counting. "One, two,three..."I counted silently.Then when I was about to finish, I heard someone shouting behind me. I turned around and what I saw almost made my heart leapt out of my mouth. A person wearing a black jacket with a hood covering his head and a bloody mask was brandishing a knife.He started running towards me,trying to kill me! I screamed in terror when I saw that person and I almost punched him. After realising it was my senior trying to scare me, I calmed myself down and scolded him for disrupting me. There were also other stations like the gym's toilets and the Design and Technology room.

                                                   Picture of the props my seniors used

By the time I finished the night walk, it was already 12 a.m. . I think my seniors had planned the activity very well as they bought many props and made preparations beforehand.I felt more confident after making it through the night walk and it was a really fun experience.On the whole,the camp has made me more independent and taught me to face my fears squarely.


  1. You should have punched your senior for scaring you!

  2. Are you sure you are braver than before? If it was me, i would not dare entering the school premises anymore.


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