Thursday, January 27, 2011

Something Unusual That Happened That Day.

Something Unusual That Happened That Day.

Something unusual happened on the 25 January 2011. It was a Tuesday and everything turned out fine during the morning. As usual, I have CCA training on Tuesday. My training usually ends in the evening and I would call my mother to pick me up after CCA. However, my mother was busy as she needed to send my sister to tuition. Therefore, I told my mother that I would walk home myself as my house was very near the school.

Picture of my shoe bag.
I walked to the park connector near the school which leads to my house. There were many people dog walking and cycling at the park connector. I saw a beautiful Golden Retriever without a leash walking around the park connector. When I walked past it, it started to sniff my shoe bag I was carrying. As I am a dog lover, I did not mind the dog sniffing my bag. I just looked and smiled at it before I continued walking back home. The unusual thing was that the dog started to follow me! I was really surprised as I thought it was someone else's dog. At first, I tried to scare it away by waving my hands at it. Instead of walking away, the dog continued to follow me and even started sniffing my leg. I was going to reach my house soon but the dog kept following me. I was a little frustrated and decided to try other methods to scare the dog away but it did not gave up.

Picture of a Golden Retriever.
Light a bolt of lightning, I dashed foward to the playground and hid under the slide. The dog continued to run to the end of the park connector trying to find me. I heaved a sigh of relief when I saw the dog running across the playground. I came out of my hiding place after a few minutes as I did not want the dog to find me again.

"Yes! I did it! " I shouted when I successfully got away from the dog. I ran home quickly while looking behind my back to make sure the dog was not following me anymore.

I felt a little guilty when I reached home for trying to scare the dog away and running away from it. I hope the dog would understand that it was not my fault for running away from it. I think it was a really unusual thing that happened to me that day as not many people have stray dogs following them home.

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

A Special Moment I Enjoyed With My Family.


A Special Moment I Enjoyed With My Family.

During the December holidays, my family and I decided to go on a holiday and take a break from a year of work. At first, we planned to go to Paris during the holidays to see the tallest building in Paris, the Eiffel Tower. However, there was a snowstorm during that time and my family decided not to take the risk. Therefore, we decided to go to Taiwan. I really enjoy going on a holiday with my family because it is a good time for us to bond together as my father is usually busy with work.

Taipei 101

Taiwan is famous for its snacks that were sold in the night market and the Floral Expo was also held there, so my greedy family were very excited to go to Taiwan to taste the food sold there. We took the Singapore Airlines A380 to Taiwan on 6 December 2010. When I was in the airplane, my father and I watched a movie called "Takers". It is really an exciting movie and I would recommend it to my friends. After 4 long hours, we finally reached our destination.

We went to many famous attractions in Taiwan like the night markets, Taipei 101 and the Floral Expo. I think the most memorable place for me was the Floral Expo. My family and I really enjoyed the scenery, museums and especially the beautiful flowers there. When we entered the Floral Expo,a myriad of colours met our eyes. We stood rooted to the ground as the scenery was simply breathtaking.There were many types of flowers displayed there and we took many photographs to remember this enjoyable moment together. We also visited some museums which exhibited plants and flowers from around the world. The plant which interests me the most was the cactus that was displayed in the museum. There were over 50 kinds of cactus displayed there and I was fascinated as I have never seen so many types of cactus in my entire life.

Although there were many beautiful flowers and plants at the Floral Expo, the place was too vast and there were too many people visiting the Expo. We had to queue up for over 60 minutes to enter a museum. We selected certain areas of the park we wanted to go to and planned the route beforehand as we knew it would be impossible to finish visiting every part of the park.

Time flies when you are having fun. Before we knew it, it was time to head back to the hotel and we reluctantly left the place with some souvenirs bought in the Expo. I think the experience at the Floral Expo with my family is a very special and memorable one that I will never forget.

Sunday, January 23, 2011

A Problem I Encountered And How I Solved It


A Problem I Encountered And How I Solved It

Well, the problem I encountered is this blog assignment. This assignment is 50% of my English CA1 and therefore I must take this seriously in order to do well for my English. When I was given this assignment by my teacher few weeks ago, I though it will be quite easy as it is just like writing a diary. On January 15, I created my blog at home using my laptop. When I started to do this assignment, I found out that this was not as easy as I thought it was because I had no experience in blogging. I do not know how to change the theme of my blog and add media to my posts.

At first, I did not know how to change the theme of my blog. I tried many times to edit the HTML of the template but all my attempts failed. I asked my friend for help but he said he was unable to help me as he was busy helping others with their blog and had no time. In the end, I went to Youtube and searched for videos on how to change my template. I searched for a long time and finally found a very useful and detailed video. I tried the method and guess what? It worked and I was able to change the template of my blog.
Then, I had a problem with adding a media to my blog. I did not know how to add music to my posts. I tried to add Youtube music videos to my post but it did not work for me. The video was covering the whole page of my blog and it really shocked me. I thought all my efforts had gone to waste. However, I was able to edit the HTML and remove the video. I had to searched Youtube videos on how to add music to my posts. After long hours of video watching and many attempts to add music to my posts, I was finally able to find a useful video on how to add music to my posts. It adds a music player to your posts and you can add songs you want it to play. I really want to thank the person who posted the video as it is a really great help to me. Now, all my posts have a music player and if you click play, you would be able to listen the music I added. I personally think it is quite cool to have a music to listen to when you are reading a blog.

Picture of my blog
After solving all my problems with the blog, I felt a great sense of achievement and accomplisment. I learnt to never give up and trying to solve your problems yourself is the best way to learn. I am now able to do my blogging with ease.

Friday, January 21, 2011

Something That Took Place In School

Something That Took Place In School

During the December holidays, my CCA, Volleyball, held a 3 days 2 nights training camp in school. The camp was for the team to train to become better and bond as a team. I received a packing list from my teacher-in-charge a few days before the camp and started packing.

Picture of a volleyball

During the camp, we trained with the coach and went to the school's gym for some strenuous exercise. However the most frightening thing I will never forget is the night walk planned by my seniors. All the secondary 1 boys were supposed to go for the night walk as it is a tradition in the CCA. To bring the atmosphere to a terrifying level, we were forced to watch a ghost movie called "4bia" before the night walk! My heart was beating against my ribcage violently as I was led to the canteen to wait for my turn after the movie.

After a few minutes, my teacher-in-charge said my seniors were prepared and it was my turn. She led me to the starting point where I was given my first clue.I took a deep breath and proceeded with my heart drumming. The corridoor was so dim that I could not see clearly.All of us were not supposed to bring any torchlights and the only thing to guide our way was the light sticks on the floor which were quite useless as a source of light. There were various stations but I felt that only a few were scary. The station which really terrified me was the one at the back of the heritage room. I was supposed to count the number of people in the picture at the back of the heritage room. Before counting, I looked around the cars parked at the parking lot to make sure no one was hiding behind the cars to scare me. After checking twice, I started counting. "One, two,three..."I counted silently.Then when I was about to finish, I heard someone shouting behind me. I turned around and what I saw almost made my heart leapt out of my mouth. A person wearing a black jacket with a hood covering his head and a bloody mask was brandishing a knife.He started running towards me,trying to kill me! I screamed in terror when I saw that person and I almost punched him. After realising it was my senior trying to scare me, I calmed myself down and scolded him for disrupting me. There were also other stations like the gym's toilets and the Design and Technology room.

                                                   Picture of the props my seniors used

By the time I finished the night walk, it was already 12 a.m. . I think my seniors had planned the activity very well as they bought many props and made preparations beforehand.I felt more confident after making it through the night walk and it was a really fun experience.On the whole,the camp has made me more independent and taught me to face my fears squarely.

Sunday, January 16, 2011

A Moment Spent Alone Doing Something I Enjoyed.

A Moment Spent Alone Doing Something I Enjoyed.

Well, I have many hobbies like playing computer games, watching television, reading books, listening to music and exercising but out of them all the one I enjoyed most is playing one of my favourite computer game call Blackshot. Blackshot is a first person shooter online game. There are four characters in the game called Travis Banner, Vanessa Green, Adam Garcia and Cathy Finn. The character I chose was Adam Garcia because he looked cool. My parents only allows me to play computer games on the weekend as weekdays are suppose to be study days. However, sometimes there is so much homework that I have to do them over the weekend so I get to play less computer games.


Yesterday the 15th of January, my family went to Orchard Road for shopping. I did not follow them because they could spend the whole day at the shopping mall which I think is a waste of time. Therefore, I was alone at home all by myself. Then I started playing Blackshot once my family went out. I put on my headphones, turned up the volume and started shooting. I was so engrossed in the game that I was not even aware of the surroundings and the time. I played for more than four hours as I needed to relax after a week of study. After playing I felt very rejuvenated and less stressful. I really enjoyed playing Blackshot alone as compared to playing it when my parents were at home as my parents would disturb me or ask me to take a break while I am playing the game halfway.

                                                These are some pictures of Blackshot

I also enjoy playing a Facebook game called Mousehunt. It is a very fun game where you have to catch mice every 15 minutes. I am a Baron in the game which is quite a high rank in the game. I have played Mousehunt for almost 2 years and I am very familiar with the game. I enjoy playing Mousehunt alone as the game requires you to be focused so that you can use the correct traps and base in order to catch the mice you need.

                   These are some pictures of Mousehunt

Although there are many fun and interesting computer games, I still have to arrange my time so that these games will not affect my studies and I will have to work harder as this year an important year.